Ad Astra Per Aspera Tarot Deck
Client: Self-initiated
Graduation project for MA in Digital Design at the L'Idem Creative Arts School
What would your good do if evil didn’t exist, and what would the earth look like if all the shadows disappeared? - Mikhail Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”.
Style Establishment
Marketing Analysis
Packaging Designer
Print Designer
Graphic Designer

The Goal
I was inspired by the rich source of history, culture, and philosophy which was expressed in every card produced. With this project, I wanted to focus on two things - Vision and Memories. I portrayed the two essential human situations that all of us experience in life at one time or the other. Those feelings are based on the belief in the values of our vision and memories, astrology, and the science of oracle art.
This lengthy process consisted of thorough research due to the niche market of this product being rather narrow, therefore, the competition for the already proven itself brands is fairly strong. I conducted research on the target, their specifications, needs and interests. Based on the information collected, I confirmed the chosen visual elements are relevant and can take place in the market. I wanted to apply modern takes on design and illustrations and create an emotional connection through the style, a new approach and refreshed look applied to the art of tarot. I wanted to destroy people’s fear of tarot and make them feel calm, loyal, and feel stability with the design.
Final Design
Ad Astra Per Aspera is a Latin for Through Adversity to the Stars. This saying inspired me to design a logo representing the journey that’s connecting the soul with the high powers.
This Tarot deck is an emotion-themed card deck and reflects feelings through mythical and ethereal means, allowing you to spiritually connect with the universe and yourself through the exquisite art of divination.
One of the key features - closed (and bleeding) eyes, represents the idea that some people refuse to see or admit signs that they are getting from the universe and so they might have consequences because of that. For every single character I got inspired by the people close to me, and I portrayed either some of their visual features or behavioural aspects.
Besides the set of Major Arcana cards, I also designed packaging, as well as a brief guide describing the meaning behind the cards and the project itself.